
Blocks are the basic ingredient of any voxel game, and their existence is essential. To create a block, you must register it with the BlockManager in your mod’s preInit() stage.

BlockFactory blockStateless = blockManager.register(MOD_ID + ":simple", BlockStateless::new);

The code above registers a block class called BlockStateless. BlockStateless extends Block. The following is BlockStateless‘s code.

public class BlockStateless extends Block implements Syncable {

    public BlockStateless() {
        components.add(new StaticRenderer().onRender(new BlockRenderPipeline(this).withTexture(NovaBlock.steelTexture).build()));
        components.add(new Collider());
        components.add(new ItemRenderer(this)); // TODO: Deprecated


    public void onRightClick(RightClickEvent evt) {
        System.out.println("Sending Packet: 1234");

    public void read(Packet packet) {
        System.out.println("Received packet: " + packet.readInt());

    public void write(Packet packet) {

See here for the most up-to-date example.


There are some components you will probably always want to implement in your blocks. However, none of them are required and can be left out or replaced with your own versions of it.


This component determines a few properties of your block, namely if it is a cube, opaque, what its bounding and selection boxes are. It also has an event bus for collision events. The default collider is a 1x1x1 cube.


This is the category (equivalent to a creative tab in Minecraft) that this block belongs to.


This handles the rendering of the block in your inventory and hand.


This is responsible for rendering the block in the world. In the example above, StaticRenderer is used but there are a few others you can use as well.

Special Components

NOVA is meant to be modular and allows you to make your own components to add but it’s also “Batteries included.” Here are some components that NOVA provides you might find useful.


Orientation allows your block to be rotated and face towards a specific side. Using this, your block can have a front, back and specific sides.

If you just add this component to the components not much will happen. The best thing to do is save this in a variable and annotate it with the @Sync and @Store annotations. The @Sync will sync between client and server (for that you should also have the block sync when it is placed down, see networking on how to do that) The @Store will save and load the orientation so the data is not lost when the world is reloaded

Special Interfaces


You may have noticed that BlockStateless implements Syncable. This interface allows the block to handle packets easily. By implementing Syncable, the block can synchronize between server and client. You can override the default methods read(Packet packet) and write(Packet packet) as shown in the example to read and write custom packets upon synchronization. Any variable annotated by @Sync will be synchronized between server and client, as long as you either leave the default methods alone or call; and Syncable.super.write(packet); from your read and write methods respectively.


By default, blocks will be stateless. This means that blocks will be unable to retain their variables and state. Stateless blocks are more efficient and are appropriate for blocks that are abundant and have no internal logic (e.g: Decoration blocks, ores and resources). However, more complex blocks will need to implement Stateful interface, which allows it to store its state in the world.


Storable allows a block to store its variables when a game saves. By implementing Storable, the block will be able to use the @Store annotation on variables you want to store. Note that not all variables can be properly stored via @Store, so you may need to override save and load to store the variables in whatever way fits them. If you want to use both the annotations and read/write your own custom data, call; and Storable.super.write(packet); in your overridden read/write methods.


To render your block you have several options:


This is used for rendering simple cubes.


This is for use in combination with the Orientation component, it rotates the rendering of the block to match the rotation stored in the Orientation object. If you use this you should also use a function to give multiple textures as there is no point in rotated rendering if the block has the same texture on all sides.


This is used for rendering blocks with textures that merge when two such blocks are adjacent to each other.

Advanced Example

This is an example of a block that combines most of the things listed above, it has a collider, is rotatable (and rendered as such) and print it’s orientation to the console when right-clicked.

BlockFactory blockStateless = blockManager.register(MOD_ID + ":basic_duster", BasicDuster::new);
public class BasicDuster extends Block implements Stateful, Storable, Syncable {

     * Orientation component.
     * "hookBasedOnHitSide" sets up events so the orientation is set based upon, well, hit side.
     * This needs to be synced to client, and stored, so @Sync and @Store are used.
    private Orientation orientation = new Orientation(this).hookBasedOnHitSide();

     * Constructor for this block. Adds components, and binds events.
    public BasicDuster() {
        components.add(new Collider(this)); // Collider (so the player doesn't walk through the block.)
        components.add(orientation); // Orientation (see above)
        components.add(new StaticRenderer().onRender(new BlockRenderPipeline(this).withTexture(this::getTexture)
                .apply(new OrientationRenderPipeline(orientation)).build())); // Version of RenderPipeline that honors Orientation.
        components.add(new ItemRenderer(this)); // Make the item render like the block. // TODO: Deprecated
        components.add(new Category("buildingBlocks")); // Put this in the "Building Blocks" Creative category (in MC, anyway)
        events.on(RightClickEvent.class).bind(this::click); // Make sure "click" is called when a player right-clicks this block
        events.on(Block.PlaceEvent.class).bind((e) -> YourMod.networkManager.sync(this)); // Make sure we sync when the orientation is initially set

     * Gets the texture for a given side.
     * Note that this is referred to by the code above(see "add(new RotatedRenderer")),
     * and does not have to be specifically called "getTexture". It's just convention.
     * @param dir The direction the side is on.
     * @return A texture. Or empty. (TODO: What does empty do here?)
    public Optional<Texture> getTexture(Direction dir) {
        Optional<Texture> texture = Optional.empty();
        switch (dir) {
            case NORTH: texture = Optional.of(Textures.dusterFront); break;
            case EAST:
            case WEST: texture = Optional.of(Textures.dusterSides); break;
            case SOUTH: texture = Optional.of(Textures.dusterBack); break;
            case UP: texture = Optional.of(Textures.dusterTop); break;
            case DOWN: texture = Optional.of(Textures.dusterBottom); break;
        return texture;

     * Implements
     * This is called when a sync packet is received, to update the block's state.
     * @param packet The sync packet.
    public void read(Packet packet) {; // Make sure @Sync annotations are processed.
        world().markStaticRender(position()); // Mark for static render.

     * This is referenced above(see "events.on(RightClickEvent.class)"),
     * and handles a right click on this block.
     * @param event Details of the right-click event.
    public void click(RightClickEvent event) {
        if ( {
            // If we're on the server, then write the orientation to the console for debugging.